Bernardo Tirabosco

(Arezzo, 1991)
He obtained a Master’s Degree in Visual Arts, with a specialization in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts P. Vannucci in Perugia.

Currently, he lives and works in Arezzo. Here, in 2019, he opened his own studio: Sottofondostudio, an independent exhibition reality in the heart of Arezzo, which has since grown and has hosted national artists
from all over the country.

Since June 2021, he has been working as a studio assistant for Giulia Cenci, an internationally acclaimed artist.

A fundamental aspect of his artistic investigation is the constant search for new forms and languages. Through the experimentation of pictorial and sculptural techniques, the manipulation of raw materials, and the reference to a historical lexicon, he gives life to installations that elaborate on the dialogue between the piece and the space it occupies in its environment.


February 2018
Two-year specialist diploma in Painting, Prof. Nicola Renzi, Prof. Arthur Duff Academy of Fine Arts Pietro Vannucci, Perugia

July 2014
Three-year diploma in Painting, Prof. Sauro Cardinali, Prof. Renata Boero Academy of Fine Arts Pietro Vannucci, Perugia

July 2010
Artistic Secondary School Diploma State High School for the Arts Piero Della Francesca, Arezzo


June 2021 – (in progress)
Studio assistant to the artist Giulia Cenci

March/June 2018
Assistant for Woodcut course, Prof. Stefano Mosena, three year diploma in Painting, Academy of Fine Arts Pietro Vannucci, Perugia


_In Nessun Luogo, Sottofondostudio, Arezzo, curated by Elena Castigli

_(In Sospeso), ABA Project Room, Perugia, curated by Nicola Renzi, Arthur Duff



_MO, QUI E ORA, Officine Brandimarte, Ascoli Piceno, curated by Ado Brandimar

_Qui Festival, Orto Botanico, Lucca curated by di Marella Pompon

_Identità, Ex Fonderie Bastanzetti, Arezzo

Stendale, Corciano (PG), ), curated by Gabriele Perretta

_Abstract, Villa Brentano Museum, Busto Garolfo (MI), curated by Manuel Zaia

_Private 57 // special project and collettive exhibition, Arezzo, curated by Tiziana Tommei

_Copula mundi Festival, Villa Favard Park, Firenze, curated by Street Levels Gallery

_Misericordiae Opera, Capitolare Diocesano Museum, Foligno (PG), curated by Paolo Aquilini

_La Grande Bellezza, Arte Emergente Italiana, Kunsthaus Burg, Obernberg, Austria (AT), curated by Silvia Rossi


_Errare, Palazzo Comunale, Sala Consiliare, Coniolo (AL), curated by Roberto Gianinetti

_Inko Art, Spazio Eden, Arezzo, curated by Inkorsivo

_7th International Artist’s Book, Triennal Vilnius, Leone Museum, Vercelli, curated by Roberto Gianinetti

_Inko Art, Caffè letterario Le Murate, Firenze, curated by Inkorsivo

_Cento+1 libri d’artista, Libri della Collezione Adriana Campolucci, Palazzo Trinci, Foligno (PG), curated by Marco Carminati, Dino Silvestroni


June 2021
Creation of print for the label graphic of EVA wine, (Matrignano Winery)

September 2020/2019/2018
Set design and dressing for theatre company Broken Jump for the outdoor theatrical event Promenade, performed in Meliciano, Arezzo

November 2019
Founder of Sottofondostudio, personal art studio and independent exhibition space located in Arezzo – Via G. Garibaldi 136/A, 52100 (AR)


_ Where, Where, Where, Altopiano dell’Agrimusco, Messina, curated by Alessio Barchitta , critics by Edoardo De Cobelli, art residency

_1° Edizione premio Utopie Di Bellezza, Palazzo Bisaccioni, Jesi (AN), final artist

_LOAM 2021 Land Open Art Museum, Riserva Naturale Monte Ginezzo, Cortona (AR), art residency

_67° Rassegna Internazionale d’Arte, Salvi Award, Palazzo della pretura, Sassoferrato (AN)

_3° Edizione, Torgiano Confluenza d’Arte, Torgiano (PG), Prize winner


_Intervista a Giulia Cacciuttolo, Federica Fiumelli e Sottofondo studio, Osservatorio Futura, intervista di Federico Palumbo, Ottobre 2021

_Uno studio d’artista che diventa spazio espositivo. The Art Place, intervista di Carlo Martino, Settembre 2021

_In Nessun Luogo. Sottofondostudio Wall Street International, intervista di Federica Fiumelli, Giugno 2021

_Materie dal Sottofondo Weare Magazine n°16, intervista di Gemma Bui, Giugno 2021

_Sottofondostudio, Una Nuova Speranza, Alterthink, intervista di Samuele Portera, Febbraio 2021


Fabrizio Fabbri Editore, 2019

_67° Rassegna Internazionale d’Arte Premio G. Salvi, Edizioni Quattro Venti, Urbino, 2017

_Misericordiae Opera
Fabrizio Fabbri Editore, 2016

_Cento+1 Libri d’Artista
Tipografica Folignate, Foligno, 2015